Monday, March 28, 2011

Be Dicipline

I have learned english since junior high school. In my hometown, South East Aceh at that time, all of student generally learn english formally from junior high scholl level. It's almost 12 years for me, but it's still hard to use english well.

Today I'm joined The English Corner and at the begining I'm nervous to talk. I reading the page that given to me, but I do not understand very well what the meaning of most of it's words. Although I knew what the point of the story at that page.

It's about how to do a right thing at the right time. Honestly, at that's time I have a problem with my homework. I should finishing my group homework as soon as possible. Because after the english corner I have to present my homework. I still share about it, and ready to accept the consequences if my Lecturer angry to me. The homework actually given to us last week, but we didn't start until 2 hours before the class begin. We finish 4 from 6 item of homework.

I release all of my mind and try to relax. I will facing the situation and try to talk honestly to all of my classmate. After that I'm joining the class and try to calm, with a smiling face speak slowly to all my friends in group to prepare themselves in our presentation. They look confused and asking me, how it can be?

Until the end of class time, there's only three group who finishing their presentation. The lecturer decided to continue the presentation next week. And of course, we saved by time. But, however like a story of this day in The English Corner, I should do my homework at the right time. heheheee

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wellcome Guys!

Welcome to my page all of you, guys!

It's the first time I creating an English Blog. It's easy to starting a new thing, even I'm never know how to finishing well it's all. However, everything need to try. So, lets share to the world!